Spectral methods plasticity modeling for fatigue damage estimation: experimental application

Créé le : 16/06/2014

G. Le Quilliec, HP Lieurade, M. Bousseau, M. Drissi Habti, G. Inglebert, P. Macquet, L. Jubin - 01/01/2013 - Revue : Welding in the world…

The phenomenon of fatigue has become a major design criterion in the engineering industry, requiring fatigue methods that better model real physical phenomena. Conventional fatigue methods are defined in time domain because their loading input data is usually a stress or strain time history. The algorithms such as Rainflow [1] [2] extract stress cycles from the time history to obtain a stress distribution. To determine the lifetime generated by the stress distribution, we can use a fatigue law such as Basquin equation and a damage accumulation rule such as Palmgren-Miner law. Nevertheless, these methods require knowing stress time history or envelope of this time history. In the case of random vibrations, the mechanical structure has a dynamic response. It is difficult to know the stress history and to make the fatigue analysis because:

- Integral convolution increases drastically computing time

- The process is random by nature

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