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Results of collective works


Testing and endurance testing of a wind turbine test bench gear

Forr several years now, there has been high demand for machine diagnostics among manufacturers, driven by two motivating factors: early detection of mechanical defects and organization of predictive maintenance. Although several monitoring indicators have already been developed, manufacturers now seek automation of decision making concerning the condition of the winch and are focused in particular on methods for online detection of deviation from the normal system condition. Two methods have emerged that have attracted manufacturers for online testing on a test bench, namely control cards and NeRV, and these have been implemented locally on a real-time electronic platform (RPI03). Several monitoring periods revealed that the types of alerts occurring varied so much that it was impossible to draw conclusions, which resulted in a decision to continue the study with target actions. (summury reference : S2021)

Author : Mario EL TABACH, Cetim

Created 03/04/2020
Updated 05/26/2020
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S2021 - Testing and endurance testing of a wind turbine test bench gear

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