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Un robot collaboratif sûr et conforme pour MIP Robotics.

A safe and compliant collaborative robot for MIP Robotics

It is official, the Junior robot of MIP Robotics is fully compliant with the “Machinery” directive. To provide this assurance, the two creators of the French start-up specialising in the manufacturing of collaborative robots called on Cetim. “At the time, we did not possess the required regulations expertise to perform this work”, stated Gonzague Gridel, commercial manager at the company. The Centre, identified by the start-up as a benchmark player in the field, in particular due to its involvement in standardisation work and work conducted with the Ministry of Labour, INRS, FIM, UNM and Symop in relation to the regulation of facilities, carried out mandatory risk analyses on the robot prototype. At the end of the test, the selected architecture for the machine was not challenged, however certain modifications were required in order to guarantee the safety of the robot and its user in all circumstances. The collaborative robots of the French company have now been introduced into workshops. A dozen examples have already been installed in SMEs and major corporations.

Read the entire reference sheet “MIP Robotics – A safe and compliant collaborative robot” on our website, in the “References” section.


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