Créé le : 12/03/2013
Influence of lanthanum coating on a Model 330 alloy oxdation at high temperature - Henri Buscail, Christophe Issartel, Frédéric Riffard, Raphaël Rolland, Sébastien Perrier, Alexandre Fleurentin - 01/05/2012 - RC - HTCPM 2012 - 8th international symposium on higt temperature corrsion and protection of matérials…
The influence of a lanthanum sol-gel coating on the chromia scale adherence as been studied on the 330 alloy (Fe-35Ni-18Cr-2Si) oxidized at 900°C, in air. Argon annealing of lanthanum sol-gel coatings have been performed at various temperatures. Kinetic results show that lanthanum sol-gel coatings lead to a lower oxidation rate compared to blank specimens. On blank 330 specimens scale spallation is observed after cooling to room temperature. On the non-annealed sol-gel coated specimen and the argon annealed specimens at 600, 800 or 1000°C, the oxide scale formed at 900 °C is adherent after 48 hours isothermal oxidation. The adherent oxide scales are convoluted. It results from o an anionic and a cationic mixed diffusion process in the chromia scal. Thermal cycling tests on lanthanum the sol-gel coated specimen show that the oxide scale remains adherent after 250 cycles.
Contact :
Alexandre Fleurentin
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82