Viscoelastic characterization at low temperature of HNBR rubber for sealing applications

Créé le : 03/07/2014

Rouillard F., Heuillet P., Omnes B. - 01/10/2013 - RC - ACS Rubber division technical meeting 2013 - 184th technical meeting & educational symposium  - 8-10 octobre 2013 - USA…

Rubber compounds exhibit non linear viscoelastic mechanical behavior, stress-strain response strongly depends on time and temperature parameters. For many applications and mainly sealing ones, rubber parts often work under a given displacement. This type of loading, called stress relaxation, leads to a load decrease versus time due to viscoelastic effects. In case of sealing applications, contact pressure developed by a seal decreases and in extreme situations leaks occur due to unsatisfactory design and/or non applicable material. This presentation deals with stress relaxation phenomena for sealing applications at low temperatures, for temperatures nearly or inferior to glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer(s) retained for the rubber compound. In this domain, between the rubbery state and the glassy state, the final behavior of the seal will depend on the whole loading history applied to the material combined with expansion phenomena given small strain variations of the material.

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Benoît Omnès
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