Créé le : 01/07/2014
Ngoc Lam Phng, Nicolas Marti, Antoine Blanche, Nicolas Ranc, Véronique Favier, André Chrysochoos, Nicolas Saintier, Chong Wang, Danièle Wagner, Claude Bathias, Fabienne Grégori, Brigitte Bacroix, Haël Mughrabi, Guillaume Thoquenne - 01/11/2013 - RC : Fatigue Design…
The DISFAT project is an ongoing French project financially supported by the French National Agency ANR. It aims at a deeper understanding of mechanisms leading to crack initiation in metals and alloys in Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF).
Contact :
Guillaume Thoquenne
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82