Speed-spectral whitening for enhancing envelope analysis in speed varying conditions

Créé le : 18/03/2015

Aboud D., Antony J., Sieg-Zieba S., Eltabach M. - 01/06/2014 - RC - VISHNO 2014 - Conférence vibration - 08/01/2014…

Nowadays, the vibration analysis of rolling element bearing operating under varying-speed condition appears to be an incentive field of investigations. In this realm, the envelope analysis is perhaps the most suited technique for extracting fault signatures. The most common methods consist of order tracking, and demodulating the signal around a spectral frequency band after an appropriate discrete random separation technique. As a matter of fact, these methods implicitly consider the speed variation by order tracking the signal, but not explicitly. Indeed, it has been inspected by authors that bearings respond differently according to the functioning regime. This may appear as modulations that conjointly depend on the machine speed and the frequency content of the response, leading to an amplification/attenuation of the bearing fault signature.

The main contribution of this paper is to provide a preprocessing step called speed-spectral prewhitening  to compensate the explicit contribution of the regime variation. Last, the potentiality of the proposed approach for envelope analysis is proved on actual data measured from an industrial bearing test-rig.

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Sophie Sieg-Zieba
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