SUPREME Sustainable PREdictive Maintenance for manufacturing Equipment

Créé le : 26/03/2015

Sieg-Zieba S., Adolf T., Lucke D., Haug R., Boulet P., Garcia-Sedano J. - 01/05/2014 - RC - Euromaintenance 2014…

Productivity improvements have major impact on economy and competitiveness in European manufacturing industry. Industrial maintenance contributes largely to this competitiveness through reliability and availability of production equipment.

Especially in continuous production industries (energy, chemical, food, cement or paper sectors) the ratio “maintenance costs/added value product” is even higher than 25%. Defect components or process failures can stop the whole production, therefore predictive maintenance is a critical issue.

In this context, the SUPREME project will provide new tools to dynamically adapt the maintenance and operation strategies to the current condition of the critical components of production equipment. It also proposes to develop an integrated approach to optimize the production process and its energy consumption.

Contact :
Sophie Sieg-Zieba
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) : 
03 44 67 36 82