Créé le : 09/04/2015
Bah MT, Shi J., Heller MO, Suchier Y., Lefebvre F., Young P., King L., Dunlop DG, Boettcher M., Draper E., Browne M. - 2014 -Journal of Biomechanics…
This paper explores the primary stability of a cementless short stem design across the spectrum of femoral morphology and the need for patient stratification in its use. CT scans of 75 male and 34 female patients and 12 stems (2 offsets, 2 CCD angles and 5 stem sizes) were used to generate 109 finite element debonded contact models. The optimal implant configuration (CCD-angle, femoral offset) and size were automatically selected to best approximate the 3D morphology of each femur.
Contact :
Yannick Suchier
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82