Plasticity modeling in specral methods for fatigue damage estimation : experimental application - extension to multiaxial case

Créé le : 25/10/2013

H. Rognon, T. Da Silva Botelho, I. Tawfiq, M. Bennebach - 01/11/2013 - RC : Fatigue Design…

Many mechanical structures are subjected in service to random vibrations due to external loads (forces, accelerations...). The fatigue phenomenon is now a major design criterion in the engineering industry. Integration of fatigue in the design optimization process allows improving the safety of structures, shortening development time, and also reducing manufacturing and maintenance costs.

Fatigue is usually studied in time-domain, where loads and responses are given as time histories. Stress-Strain responses may be calculated by simple methods such as linear superposition in quasi-static cases or transient analysis otherwise. Within the framework of random vibration, loads are given as spectra, in the frequency domain, and mechanical structures have a dynamic response. Fatigue damage may be then estimated by spectral methods.

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Mohamed Bennebach
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