Créé le : 25/06/2013
Ph. Castaing, C. Peyrac, P. Boutet, J. Renard, M. Oumarou, C. Benetruy, M. Deléglise, W. Knapp, A. Giessl - 01/11/2011 - RC Fatigue Design…
As a result of their advantages, i.e. recyclability, weld-ability, environmental compatibility, long (continuous) fibre thermoplastic composites (LFTPC) are increasingly used in many industrial sectors (automotive, aeronautic, medical devices). Indeed, in the next ten years, the environmental rules (petrol & fuel oil consumption reduction, CO2 reduction, recyclability of materials…) will put the pressure on the use of new structural materials like composites.
A lot of industrial sectors of the mechanical engineering industry should be impacted by this evolution in a positive way. For example, the weight reduction of heavy equipments on wheels, using petrol/fuel oil will be more and more essential. But various industries may use new structural composite parts like civil engineering equipment manufacturers, lifting equipment manufacturers (cranes…), agricultural equipment manufacturers or industrial coachbuilders (truck sub-frames, tubs, tippers, rolling tanks…). This trend gives a good opportunity for the introduction of lighter and more environmental friendly composite materials instead of metals in the structures and will lead to the development of thermoplastic composite instead of thermoset composite materials.
To get structural complex parts, several joining techniques have been developed (induction welding, resistance welding, adhesive bonding, and laser welding) but a real lack of knowledge about the mechanical resistance after welding remain in literature especially for thermoplastic reinforced composites.
Contact :
Philippe Castaing
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82