Créé le : 29/06/2015
Perot F., Kim MS, Le Goff V., Carniel X., Goth Y., Chassaignon C. - 01/05/2013 - Noise Control Engineering Journal - mai 2013…
Broadband and particularly tonal content of the noise radiated by fans can be perceived as a strong annoyance for people staying in their vicinity and can affect working conditions of operators. As a consequence, fan noise reduction represents a real challenge and an important business criterion for fan and integrated system suppliers. The origin of tonal noise is mainly related to the uniformity and unsteadiness of the inlet flow and to rotor-casing interactions. Tonal noise occurs at the Blade Passing Frequency f0 (BPF) and sub-harmonics 2.f0, 4.f0,… which frequency values depend on the rotation frequency and the number of blades of the fan.
Contact :
Xavier Carniel
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82