Créé le : 04/09/2013
Alexis Marsal, Florence Ansart, Viviane Turq, Jean-Pierre Bonino, Jean-Michel Sobrino, Yan-Ming Chen, Julien Garcia - Janvier 2013 - RC - ICMCTF…
The significant development in the mechanical industry requires a constant evolution of skills, particularly in the area of functionalization and protection of metallic alloys surface. The wear of materials is one of the causes of loss of profitability. This study aims to develop solutions to extend the lifetime of stainless steel 316L or 304L whose raw materials are relatively expensive. The main objective in this study is to increase their durabilility by covering these stainless steels with a protecting thin ceramic film. Ceramic coatings have the best properties to fight against wear. Apart from a conventional way such as PVD or CVD, there is a sol-gel method which allows many choices of formulations avoiding a thermal treatment step at very high temperature.
Contact :
Jean-Michel Sobrino
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82