Créé le : 18/03/2015
Thierry Renault , Stéphane Auger, Sébastien Paroissien - 01/04/2014 - RC - Poster pour conférences TRA2014 - 31/01/2014…
The car industry is at a turning point of its history and the CO2 emission standards as required by various countries (Europe, the USA but also China) particularly after 2020 forcing the automotive OEMs to consider technological solutions in rupture to allow weight reductions of about 20%. The use of composite materials for structural part is one of the solution enabling to reach this target considering also multi-materials solutions which combine the use of steel, aluminum and composites. Currently the available joining technologies to assemble metals and composites for structural applications are very limited and do not allow the introduction of composites into the car for very large series. LIMECO project has the objective to design, test and validate structural multi-materials joining.
Contact :
Stéphane Auger
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82