Créé le : 24/07/2015
Thomassey M., Leray D., Ruch F., Schell J., Bouquey M. - 01/07/2015 - RC - 20TH international conference on composite materials in Copenhagen (ICCM20)…
Since thirty years, composite materials began to replace metal in a number of applications, and their introduction into the technical parts is growing steadily. Until today, thermosetting polymer based composites were predominant, but are faced with environmental rules more stringent (COV, recyclability ...). They offer good mechanical and chemical performances, recyclability, feasibility of being joined by fusion bonding or over-molding. Moreover, their relatively long implementation time, penalize for mass applications. These handicaps have recently favored the emergence of composite developed based on thermoplastic polymers. Many development paths are being explored with the aim to get a couple material / robust process to produce at a reasonable cost, structural or semi-structural parts.
Contact :
Julia Schell
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82