Influence of environment and applied stresses on the susceptibility to corrosion and anodic dissolution of a,B' -brass in NaNO3 solutions

Créé le : 09/04/2015

Berne C., Andrieu E., Reby J., Sobrino J.-M., Blanc C. - 2014 - RC - ECS 2014…

α,β’-brasses, used for components in gas distribution network, are believed to be susceptible to simultaneous dissolution (Cu, Zn) and/or selective dissolution (dezincification) processes in corrosive environments. These phenomena are suspected to play a major role during the first stages (incubation and initiation) of SCC damage development observed on in service network components. In this framework, it is of interest to improve knowledge on kinetics and mechanisms of brass dissolution. The present study aimed at contributing to a better understanding of the dissolution processes of α,β’-brass, this topic being little studied to date.

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Jean-Michel Sobrino
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03 44 67 36 82