Identification of stiffness and damping properties of plates by using the local equation of motion

Créé le : 25/04/2013

Frédéric Ablitzer, Charles Pézerat, Jean-Michel Génevaux, Jérôme Bégué - 2013 - Revue :  Journal of Sound and Vibration…

Composite materials, which provide high stiff ness and light weight, are increasingly used in the aerospace and automotive industry. During the conception of structural elements including such materials, an extensive use of finiteelements models is made to predict their dynamic and vibroacoustic behavior. To achieve predictions that are as accurate as possible, one of the key challenges is to enter the right material characteristics into the model. As a wide variety of composite materials exist, their elastic and damping characteristics are rarely available in tables and they must be obtained experimentally.

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Jérôme Bégué
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