Créé le : 15/05/2019
2nd Edition Metallic Materials and Processes: Industrial challenges
25-27 October 2017 – Deauville - France
For many mechanical companies: galling remains an important issue (could lead to serious failures with consequences both in terms of production and in terms of people and machines safety).
Currently, diagnosis and identification of galling are made through facies observations and profilometry analysis (according to ASTM G98).
When contact surfaces are not visible: Impossible to know the state of galling. It’s important to have a method capable of performing a reliable diagnosis without having to stop or disassemble considered machines.
Acoustic emission (AE) is a monitoring method for detecting the start of this physical phenomenon between two surfaces and also to follow it evolution.
Auteurs : Catherine HERVE/Pierre FRIEDRICH/Yan Ming CHEN/David CAZE