From failure analysis to power transmission design

Créé le : 30/06/2015

Shandro R., Patte C., Vadnal A. - 01/08/2014 - RC - International Gear Conférence - 26-28 août 2014 - Lyon…

Analysing failures is a critical process in determining the physical root causes of problems. The process is complex, draws upon many different technical disciplines, and uses a variety of observation, inspection, and laboratory techniques. 

A logical failure analysis approach is more than just a diagnosis. It is an appropriate method of observation and analysis, a specific knowledge and extensive experience, a global vision of the failure and finally improvement advice and redesign. 

The objective of this case study is to describe how the failure analysis can help on power transmission components understanding and improvement, by indicating the probable causes as well as recommending the right corrective actions to avoid the failure. 

Presently, by using an appropriate simulation method which integrates powerful and extensive software solutions (such as KissSys or ROMAX Designer ...), it is possible to confirm the causes of the failure by combining the global approach and the detailed components in order to get a further understanding of operating conditions. 

Contact :
Robert Shandro
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