Expérience feedback on guide to good practice for acoustic emission testing (AT) of pressure equipement

Créé le : 04/04/2013

M. Cherfaoui, C. Di Giulio, C. Hervé - 12/09/2012 - RC - 30TH Européan Conférence on Acoustic Emission Testing, 7 TH international Conférence on Acoustic Emission - Grenade  (Espagne) - 12 au 15 septembre 2012

This guide developed within the AFIAP allows to facilitate the practice of the acoustic emission, in particular during requalification of specific equipments, by allowing the replacement of certain hydraulic tests by pressure tests in hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure by acoustic emission monitoring. The experience feedback and the introduction of new appendices allowed the realization of the second edition 2009 of the guide consisted of one text and of appendices. Each of them is applicable to a family of equipments (spheres, small buried LPG tanks, cylindrical vessels, reactors and autoclaves). This document is the object of the decision BSEI N 09-102 of June 29th, 2009, issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, (MEEDDAT), relative to the replacement by the hydraulic test, during the periodic requalification of certain pressure equipments, by the test under pressure gas monitored by acoustic emission. This presentation gives, on one hand, the news of this edition 2009 and on the other hand, to assess experience feedback over the last 3 years. The perspectives of conception of new appendices will be discussed.

Contact :
Mohamed Cherfaoui
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) : 
03 44 67 36 82