Créé le : 24/03/2015
Jean-Pierre Jeandrau - 01/04/2014 - RC - 10th European adhesion conference - EURADH 2014…
Based on a previous bibliographic review, for each metallic alloy, different eco-efficient surface pre-treatments were performed (silane coupling, sol-gel treatment, free-chromate commercial solutions…) and compared to the best established procedures used as a reference (i.e. Chromic Acid Anodising for aluminium alloy).
Surface energies (dispersive and polar components) and surface roughness measurements were performed on treated substrates prior to adhesive bonding. Then wedge-tests specimens (according to EN 14444 standard) were bonded with a twopart epoxide adhesive (3M Scotch weld 9323 B/A) and tested after immersion in hot (60°C) demineralised water. For each substrate, the different “eco-efficient” surface preparations were compared with the conventional ones For the three metallic alloys studied, “eco-efficient” surface preparations are proposed in this paper: a sol-gel procedure and the use of a silane coupling agent (Ɣ GPS) are the most interesting in terms of performances and durability of the bonded joints.
Contact :
Jean-Pierre Jeandrau
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82