Créé le : 08/07/2015
Laurent S., Meleton M. - 01/11/2014 - RC - LCA Conference -…
Manufacturers are more and more interested in environmental impacts of their products, to answer customers’ needs, to make an assessment or to improve their products in an ecodesign project (for example, according to NF E 01-005 and CEN TS 16524 [1]). CETIM’s ecodesign team has worked on this subject to give accessible impact data to mechanical companies. These data are impact data (e.g. CO2 equivalent), they can be used directly by designers to make a simplified assessment of their technical solutions. These data, published in data sheet, are available in more than a hundred sheets containing various indicators (impact on global warming, abiotic depletion…) and concern all environmental life cycle aspects (raw material, production, use phase…). These data have been calculated with specific assumptions representative of the mechanical field and in the framework of R&D projects. They are also compared to available bibliographic sources. Data are representative of the state of the art of this field. They are generic data, with average value, they are key points for designers to evaluate technical solutions. They can be used to make choice in a multi-criteria approach (cost, technical performance…). They can’t be used to produce LCA according to ISO 14040 [2] and ISO 14044 [3] or to meet regulation requirements. To disseminate the datasheets, the French technical committee UNM 01 Mechanic – Environment, is about to release a new technical report FD E 01-008.
Contact :
Solène Laurent
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82