Development of representative tests to quantify the suseptibility to stress corrosion cracking of A, B' -brass used for gas transfert devices

Créé le : 17/06/2015

Berne C., Andrieu E., Reby J., Sobrino JM, Blanc C. - 2014 - RC - ECS 2014…

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is believed to be the principal cause of the cracks observed in brass components used in gas distribution network. In this framework, it is of interest to develop accelerated tests to determine the SCC susceptibility of the brass used in the gas transfer valves. To be representative and reliable, a reference test has to reproduce most of the damages observed on network components after break-up during operation. The present study aimed at developing SCC equipment and experimental protocol leading to a relevant evaluation of the SCC susceptibility of α,β’-brass.

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Jean-Michel Sobrino
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03 44 67 36 82