Deformable parts model for people detection in heavy machines applications

Créé le : 17/04/2015

Bui M., Fremont V., Boukerroui D., Letort P. - 2014 - RC - ICARCV 2014 - 13th international conference on control, automation, robotics and vision…

Construction sites are considered as a high risk working environment. People who work near heavy machines are constantly at risk of being struck by a working machine or its components. Accidents between machines and people represent a significant contribution to construction health and safety hazards. It is hard for drivers to keep watching all around their vehicle and fulfill their productive task at the same time, due to the complicated shape of these machines. It is therefore mandatory to develop an advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to help the driver monitor the surrounding area and being able to raise a pertinent alarm when people are threatened. Therefore the main required functionality by such ADAS is the people detection. Notwithstanding many years of progress, safety system for people working around heavy machine is still an unresolved issue.

Contact :
Pierrick Letort
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03 44 67 36 82