Condition monitoring of volumetric gear pumps using pressure cyclostationarity

Créé le : 30/06/2014

Mario Eltabach - 01/02/2013 - Pumps valves and systems magazine…

Gear volumetric pumps produce high level of vibrations and fluidic pressure fluctuations even in normal operating conditions owing to periodic meshing of the gear teeth. In general, conventional spectral analysis of these signals may neither help to analyse the signals nor to reveal the presence of this periodicity. Cyclostationary models have proven their usefulness for understanding experimental data, for predicting trends and for machines diagnosis where faults in rotating components will typically produce a repetitive release of energy.

These models are based on statistical descriptors rather than partial differential equations. In addition, when the cyclostationary framework is used with the angular variable of the machine rather than the time variable, it makes it possible to localise precisely the fault within the angular reference thus simplifying extremely its detection. The presence of a fault in gear pumps such as tooth defect, tooth crack or wear usually affects the pressure and vibration signals by imposing strong periodic modulation, which a cyclostationary approach is well suited to detect. 

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Mario Eltabach
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