Comportement dynamique d'un système suspendu soumis à des excitations variables : application aux compresseurs

Créé le : 29/03/2013

Sandrine Le Mentec, Yvon Goth - 01/11/2012 - RC RITF 2012…

Systems set on mounts are most of the time excited by numerous dynamic forces. Herein, a hermetic frigorific compressor is studied, but the modeling method could be used for others components. 

The challenging parts of modeling the compressor dynamic behavior are its boundary conditions and loads. Compressors are excited by numerous dynamics forces as engine torque variation and pressure pulsation. They are linked to the structure by flexible mounts with a non-linear behavior. The level of pressure fluctuation generated by the compressor is strongly influenced by the inlet and exhaust pipes impedance. 

Contact :
Sandrine Le Mentec
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) : 
03 44 67 36 82