Créé le : 07/07/2014
Lapeyronnie P., Paulmier P., Fagiano C., Exertier A., Rota L. - mi 2014 - RC - Congrès ICEM16 - Cambridge - juillet 2014…
To meet the weight saving requirements in the automobile industry, composite materials need to comply with specifications in terms of mechanical strength and be able to meet the requirements of this industrial sector in terms of cost and production rates. In order to achieve these objectives, it is absolutely necessary to take the process into account as from the design of the part. CETIM and ONERA worked in this way and managed to design a wishbone arm made of continuous carbon fibre thermoplastic composite that complies with the specifications issued by PSA, a partner to this project.
Contact :
Agnès Exertier
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82