Anticorrosive sol-gel coatings on low-carbon steel

Créé le : 09/09/2013

Claire Lavolée, Marie-Joëlle  Menu, Marie Gressier, Ansart, Julien Garcia, Jean Reby, Jean-Michel  Sobrino - 25/30 août 2013 - Poster présenté à l'ISGS (International Sol-Gel Conférence) - Madrid…

The replacement of expensive stainless steel in various socio-economic sectors such as mechanical, medical or alimentary is an issue that would be possible to solve by developing an architectural coating on low-cost carbon steel. Its main property would be to protect efficiently the equipments from corrosion1,2  which impacts their lifetime and consequently, the cost of maintenance. This innovative system is constituted of a coating whose properties will depend on the aimed application.

Contact :
Jean-Michel Sobrino
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) : 
03 44 67 36 82