Créé le : 04/04/2016
Abboud D., Antoni J., Eltabach M. Zieg-Zieba S. - 01/12/2015 - Revue Journal of the International Measurement…
In speed-varying condition, the cyclostationary assumption of rolling-element bearing vibrations is jeopardized. Indeed, the emitted signal comprises an interaction between (i) time-dependent component related to the system dynamics (e.g. transfer function) and (ii) angle-dependent mechanism related to the system kinematics (e.g. impact, load modulations…). This necessarily implies the inadequacy of classical cyclostationary tools whether a temporal or angular vision is adopted. This consequently calls for an angle\time approach which preserves— via the angle variable— the cyclic evolution of the signal while maintaining— via the time variable— a temporal description of the system dynamic. The first object of this paper is to analytically characterize bearing fault vibrations and explore its angle\time cyclostationary property. The second object is to experimentally validate these results on a real-world vibration signals and demonstrate the optimality of the angle-time approach over classical approaches.
Contact :
Sophie Zieg-Zieba
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82