Analytical and numerical simulations of the behaviour of 2,5 D-Braided interlock composite tubes under crush loading

Créé le : 09/06/2015

Priem C., Othman R., Rozycki P., Guillon D., Martin A. - 01/06/2014 - RC - ECCM16 -16th european conference on composite materials - Seville - 22-26 juin 2014…

This article deals with the experiment and numerical simulation of the crash of composite tubes made of 2,5D-braided composite. In a first part, we present the material characterization at different strain rates as well as the results of tubes which have been tested in a drop-weight tower. In a second part, we describe the bi-phase material model which has been developed. It is based on Drozdov’s modelling for thermoplastic matrix and on the kinking modelling for fibers. In a last part, we present the experiment and numerical simulations correlations and we will conclude more particularly about the good predicting the value of energy absorption.

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Damien Guillon
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