Acoustic synthesis of an automotive HVAC

Créé le : 09/07/2015

Legros M., Ville JM, Moreau S., Goth Y., Carniel X. - 15/04/2015 - RC - Fan 2015…

The acoustic synthesis is a design and/or diagnosis approach used to analyze and predict the acoustic behavior of a complex system. Based on the components found in the system, an acoustic pattern is implemented in which the acoustic sources and pathways from the source to the reception point are identified. At this point of reception a performance criterion is usually assigned that has to be optimized (sound pressure level, sound power level, psychoacoustic criterion ...). The acoustic synthesis provides a conception tool to the designer to predict the noise produced by a system considering the chosen components and the operating conditions.

Contact :
Xavier Carniel
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) : 
03 44 67 36 82