Créé le : 07/07/2014
Lejeune H., Ton That Y., Pitrou B. - 01/07/2014 - RC - Proceedings of PVP 2014 Journal of pressure vessel technology…
The european standard EN1591-1, initially published in 2001, defines a calculation method for bolted gasketed circular flanges, alternative to the TAYLOR-FORGE method, used as the basic method in most codes. In 2007, a new part, XP CEN TS 1591-3, has been added to the EN1591 series. This technical specification enables to take into account the metal to metal contact, appearing inside the bolt circle on some assemblies. Due to a lack of industrial feedback and detailed validations, this document has not been raised to the standard status.
Contact :
Hubert Lejeune
Tél. (Service Question Réponse) :
03 44 67 36 82