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All of Cetim’s “Training” solutions on a single website!

All of Cetim’s training solutions (catalogue-based, tailored training, e-learning, training for certification) are now available on a dedicated section of its website. Whether it involves characterising parts produced by metallic additive manufacturing, conducting fatigue analyses based on finite elements calculations or preparing for the welding coordinator accreditation, regardless of the requirement, the corresponding training course is available on the site. The 400 training courses delivered by Cetim in 2018 and 2019 (at over 25 locations in France, Morocco and South East Asia) are presented in details on the site. Users can find the proposed curricula, the scheduled sessions as well as testimonials from industrial manufacturers. The website also offers “training paths” to acquire skills in a given field based on a step-by-step process. Therefore, the trainee who starts out in a sector can acquire basic knowledge and then subsequently broaden this knowledge and finally become fully conversant in the topic by taking a consistent cycle of training courses. For example, in order to develop basic material resistance calculation skills, the path is composed of four training modules: acquisition of the basics in mathematics and physics required for conducting the material resistance calculations, use of a calculation method for a simple structure and then for a complex structure and finally construction of a 2D or 3D model. In addition, the trainee can integrate the path based on his or her level of skills thanks to distance skills assessment carried out by Cetim.

For more information, go to the section dedicated to Cetim training on our website, in the “Training” Section.


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